Thursday, January 20, 2011


I cant help , But everytime i listen & sing along to Avril rock songs,
i felt like a truant.
I felt that life would be happier by not bothering too much.
& that makes me feel so good when i tried singing along.WOOOOO

The older i get , the less i care to bother.
maybe because you'd experience so much for the past 19years
& come to realise,
by caring too much dident give you much benefits either.

You bother putting effort in lesson but the teacher just dosent sees it ,
and give you a damn grade C. When you dident , you get a better grade.

You bother putting effort in the friendship , thinking she/he will slowly sees & appreciate.
But she/he dosent sees it that way , but only bother to find you when needs you.
how pathetically disappointing right?

Used to bother alot in life , that friends think i'm emo.
used to bother about people feelings , that i'm changing myself for them.
but come to think of it now , who cares when you bother for them?
Gaining more downs than ups.
I would rather think that Let natural take course (:

To sum it up ,
Life will be so much happier when you less fcuking care.
Utmost , you cant redo what is alreadly done.